To: Office of the Secretary
Association of Civilian Technicians
12620 Lake Ridge Drive
Lake Ridge, Virginia 22192
Mr. Secretary,
I the undersigned Chapter President OR Chapter Secretary certify the following information is correct by selecting the submit button at bottom of page.
Chapter President First & Last Name:
Chapter President OR Chapter Secretary please provide the following information.
Number of Votes Authorized:
See below chart for # of Votes
From the Delegate's listed below,
List here which Delegate will be designated
to vote for the Chapter.
Provide date of last election for each Listed
Delegate. Information necessary in order to
properly certify at Rally.
Votes are proportioned as to the number of members each Chapter has on record at the time of this report (see below chart). The Chapter may have one or more voting Delegate's and must be desingated on this form prior to being authorized to vote at Rally Annual Business Meeting. Proxy votes are not authorized.
Members # of Votes Authorized
1 -75 1
76 - 125 2
126 - 175 3
176 - 225 4
226 - 275 5
@Copyright 2014 Association of Civilian Technicians. This information may not be republished without express consent.